About Us

Lead for Impact is a social enterprise that provides transformational leadership services and training to individuals, communities, and organizations. 

Our mission is to support emerging and established leaders from all sectors in developing their internal resources and professional skill sets so they can have a positive impact on the communities and organizations with which they work. 

Our vision is that transformative and impactful leadership—skillfully and interchangeably connecting the inside to the outside—will represent a new way of achieving collaborative and sustainable change. 

Based in New York City, we deliver our training and programs across the United States and internationally. We have hosted transformational leadership seminars and training at MIT Media Lab, Columbia University and a variety of other universities, the UN Headquarters, and community centers all over the globe.

The Team and Partners

The team at Lead for Impact has trained thousands of people from governmental and nonprofit organizations (including United Nations agencies) to corporations, small businesses, and educational organizations and districts (K–12 and higher education). Our team has designed, developed, and conducted hundreds of customized negotiation, conflict management, leadership, specific skill-based and facilitation seminars.

Kobi Skolnick, M.S.

Founder, Lead for Impact

Kobi specializes in leadership development, crisis management, and organizational change. Driven by the love of creative problem-solving and realizing human potential, he prepares businesses, governments, and organizations to handle intricate, high-stakes challenges, from immediate emergency scenarios to long-term stakeholder relations. A key element of his work is developing robust teams and competent leaders who can guide their organizations through any obstacle.

With a long track record of international training, Kobi designs impactful programs that create lasting change. These programs enhance the resilience and adaptability of individuals and organizations.

Kobi’s work spans a wide range of topics, from data-based decision-making to conflict resolution. He integrates modern approaches like adaptive deliberation and systems thinking, into his work with a truly diverse array of clients, from grassroots to government officials.

Kobi has led seminars at renowned institutions like MIT Media Lab and Columbia University and worked on a wide array of projects at various United Nations agencies. Committed to turning big ideas into actionable plans, Kobi uses a brilliant and creative mix of teaching methods and hands-on training to help people and organizations bring their strategic visions to life.


-M.S, Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Columbia University, 2013

-BA, Professional Studies (concentrations in Cross-Cultural Psychology, Cultural Studies, and World Religions), St. Francis College, 2010

Vernice Miller

Facilitator, Coach

Vernice Miller is an artist, facilitator, trainer and educator.

She is a Founder and Artistic Director of A Laboratory for Actor Training Experimental Theatre Company in New York City and has worked in over 10 countries on topics including social justice, leadership for change, and team building, all through the unique lens of art. She has collaborated with world-renowned artists to support victims of gender repressions and underserved communities throughout South Africa. She is an adjunct lecturer and mainstage director at John Jay College of Criminal Justice.

Vernice is passionate about leaders and young people using performance and creativity to enhance their social impact and transform lives. She deeply believes in the talent and potential we all hold and helps leaders globally to discover it through artistic expression.


-Cross-disciplinary Performance Studies, Nordisk Teaterlaboratorium, International School of Theatre Anthropology, Odin Teatret Denmark

-Graduate William Esper Studios Meisner Technique

-City University of New York, Hunter College. Theater & Education majors

Kit Miller, MS

Facilitator, Coach

Kit is a facilitator, trainer, educator, and executive coach.

She served as a director of the MK Gandhi Institute in Rochester, New York, and as a director of Bay Area Nonviolent Communication in Oakland, California. Kit has 25 years of experience in managing diverse teams. She implements nonviolence theory, communication and permaculture in her daily practice.

Kit is passionate about teaching and working on projects related to restorative justice, sustainability and anti-racism. She has been training leaders worldwide and has spoken at the United Nations about nonviolent approaches in the 21st century.


-MS, Social Innovation and Sustainability, Goddard College

-BS, Industrial Labor Relations, Cornell University

Jacob Dixon, M.S.Ed.

President & CEO, Choice for All

Jacob is a facilitator, trainer, educator and team coach.

He has trained a diverse group of people on the individual, team, organization and community level in leadership, education, effective messaging, team building, community organizing, advocacy and social change. He has been a leader in the world of non-profit, leadership studies, public and public charter education and community development for over 10 years.

Jacob is passionate about supporting leaders in transforming systems and believes in their potential as change agents to actualize social change. He is committed to providing tools and resources for people, across all levels, to assess, design, drive and sustain positive impact.


- M.S.Ed., Childhood Special & General Education, Bank Street College of Education, 2010

- BA, Communication Arts & Sciences, Pennsylvania State University, 2008

Jedrzej Nowe, MSc

MEAL Specialist, Facilitator

Jedrzej has worked at a variety of INGOs and civil society organizations in 8 countries, as well as within the UN system in New York on topics including peace education and transformative youth leadership. Over the past 6 years Jedrzej has worked with over 200 young leaders in local settings, implementing projects focused on intercultural communication, conflict transformation, and team building.

He is passionate about youth leadership and peace education. Having worked with youth from Afghanistan, Syria, Madagascar, Tunisia, Poland and Palestine, he deeply values working directly within communities and giving young people the agency to navigate their own growth processes.


-MSc in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Columbia University

-BSc in Cross Cultural Psychology, SWPS University, Warsaw, PL

— A Letter from the Founder — 

I grew up in an ultra-orthodox Jewish family outside of Jerusalem. From an early age, I was exposed to predetermined beliefs and lifestyles.

But I always had the curiosity for questioning the limitations we impose on our potential as individuals and as a society. Due to my upbringing in a conflict-ridden society, I have been eager to explore our common humanity that lies beyond simplifications, rigidity, and defensiveness.

Driven by my fascination for human dynamics, I earned degrees from a community college and an Ivy League school with the intention of exploring the academic frameworks and tools that best explain and teach awareness, motivation, relationships, and systems dynamics.

For the past decade I have been engaged with community and social activists, business leaders, and academia. In every setting and culture, repeatedly I noticed a lack in practical tools and skillsets that prevented people from creating change strategically. But then every time I worked with people on leadership development, I saw them make huge progress.

These experiences and insights inspired me to establish Lead for Impact in 2013.

Our work is based on action research, prevalent theories of change and lessons learned through implementation. We are certain that if we examine through the lens of multiple, interconnected perspectives, we will be more flexible and prepared to address systemic change sustainably.

Throughout my life, it has been my goal to channel destructive energies into positive ones; to contribute to constructive and strategic patterns of action; and to enable us to create the system shifts we all need.

I invite you to join us!


Kobi Skolnick